Thankfully, most Gloomhaven enemies match minis that I've already got in chibi form (Zombies, Skeletons, human archers, slimes, etc). But for the PCs, and for the more distinct races, I felt that I needed to create some minis.
Here are the first four PCs that I made. They're all starting classes, so there's no need to worry about spoilers.
The Inox Brute. This was the first Chibi Gloomhaven character that I finished. I was very excited to make him. The body comes from a Cyclopes from Impact! Miniatures. The head is mostly my own sculpt- although I did have some plastic horns leftover from various GW kits.
The orchid spellweaver was a really fun one to make. She started life as two separate ninjas from Ninja All Stars (head and body). I really liked sculpting all of the crystals on her.
The Vermling gave me a bit of trouble. I needed something between a goblin and a Skaven, that could also fit in with the chibis I'd been making. I looked around for ones that would fit the style well, and eventually discovered that the Wiz-Kids Pathfinder Goblins were close to perfect. They just needed their ears fixed and tails attached.
THe last one is the human Scoundrel. I made here eyes glow to match the artwork (my wife played this character, but it definitely took her a minute to recognize that the character was, in fact, human.
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