Lately, I've been playing Gloomhaven quite a bit, and I decided that it is a game that could use some Chibi minis to replace the hundreds of standees that come in the box.
Thankfully, most Gloomhaven enemies match minis that I've already got in chibi form (Zombies, Skeletons, human archers, slimes, etc). But for the PCs, and for the more distinct races, I felt that I needed to create some minis.
Here are the first four PCs that I made. They're all starting classes, so there's no need to worry about spoilers.

The Inox Brute. This was the first Chibi Gloomhaven character that I finished. I was very excited to make him. The body comes from a Cyclopes from Impact! Miniatures. The head is mostly my own sculpt- although I did have some plastic horns leftover from various GW kits.
The orchid spellweaver was a really fun one to make. She started life as two separate ninjas from Ninja All Stars (head and body). I really liked sculpting all of the crystals on her.
The Vermling gave me a bit of trouble. I needed something between a goblin and a Skaven, that could also fit in with the chibis I'd been making. I looked around for ones that would fit the style well, and eventually discovered that the Wiz-Kids Pathfinder Goblins were close to perfect. They just needed their ears fixed and tails attached.
THe last one is the human Scoundrel. I made here eyes glow to match the artwork (my wife played this character, but it definitely took her a minute to recognize that the character was, in fact, human.