Ok, I love to play some Fairy Meat sometimes (especially since I got those lovely Noraland minis from Thunderbolt Mountain).
So, when I get a commission to re-paint a large Fairy Society statue, I can't help but think of how it would be perfect for Fairy Meat.
So, here she is-another re-paint of a fairy sculpture, also a commission. Since the last one was done up in such warm, almost autumnal colors, I went with a very different feel here.
I originally had the idea of creating an Ice Queen look to her, but when my blue colors were too warm and deep for that, I decided she looked just perfect as a Lunar Knight for a Moon Fairy warband.
This time I had the foresight to measure her height before I mailed her out and she is a little under 150mm scale- yes, that's very big for a mini. I find there are some advantages to having larger minis to work with, but getting smooth blends takes forever this way.