Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Gencon MHE 2015- Male Warrior with Battle Axe

Here was my main entry for the Gencon MHE competition this year. Every year, I spend a lot of time painting a few minis, then enter any gaming miniatures I have that fit the categories. But this one was definitely not filler.

 He got a gold award from the main competition, received a judge's choice award, and took home the 4th place Dark Sword trophy.

 I really love this mini- the biggest trouble I had painting him up was that Jim (owner of Darksword) owns a fantastic version of him painted by Zach Lanier. A lot of the decisions that I made on him kept this sort of meta-thinking in mind (ie, when Jim and Jess were judging the contest, I didn't want them to be comparing him to Zach's mini too much).

 I think I came out with an interpretation of this mini that is all my own.


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