Games Workshop had a presence (which is nice since it seems there won't be a Games Day in the US this year). Hopefully, they'll start sending their game developers or 'Eavy Metal painters soon. The big thing they were showing off is their new Hive world terrain set.
One thing I thought was funny was that they were showing it off with a set of Storm Lord space marines. One of the first commissions I got when I started my business was an army of Storm Lords, so they're pretty dear to my heart. To be honest, I'm often surprised to see that someone else painted them (a google image search for Storm Lords will yield mostly minis I painted with a few outliers). Their bright color scheme definitely pops against the grey terrain.

Ninja Division definitely had a busy time at the con. Their booth was pretty packed with people looking for all the new Relic Knights minis. Naturally, there were quite a few of them that I had to pick up. And I was in on the Kickstarter. Somehow I find myself wanting to collect all of their minis. I'd best get to painting the ones I have.

I also got to talk to their new studio painter, and I'm definitely fond of his work. The mini below is a new Anti-hero for Super Dungeon Explore (he comes with both a hero and mini-boss card). I picked up the resin version of him, and it looks like he was popular enough that they're making a plastic version for their Forgotten King Kickstarter backers.

Something else I found that was pretty cool- Mierce Miniatures is making a game for their Bane Legions line of minis. It's going to be fairly small scale skirmish game. The mechanics reminded me of War Gods- both players give their soldiers secret orders, then alternate activating one at a time and see how screwed up their plans get. But the selling point for me was the massive monsters that you get to play with. Mierce has some winners in their range.

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